O what a name!
It causes the corners of my mouth to sort of perk up.
It resounds with a steadfast peace, calm and joy within my heart.
It is a name I love.
Am I some supper spiritual nut who has nothing better to do than go around with a silly grin on her face whenever she hears the name of her Savior?
Well, I guess the answer is yes:-)
However, my interpretation of "supper spiritual nut" may be different than yours:-)
By answering yes to the above question I do not mean that I am someone without a brain or who lives in some loony fantasy world. Not by a long shot!
I mean someone who has experienced Something better, and is so wrapped up in that Something that she can not help but go around with smile upon her face for Those who look to him are radiant (Psa 34:5a)!
Even if it means I look like a nut to this world, may I ever be willing to appear like a fool for Christ's sake (1Cor 4:10)!
Oh my dear readers, Jesus is worth our all!
He, being God, came to this earth and lived a sinless life. Mary, thought Him worthy enough to pour out her very best upon his feet! (Joh 12:3) He bore our sin and the wrath of God that was rightfully ours upon the cross over 2000 years ago and He died. But Glory to God in the highest! He did not stay dead! He rose again on the third day and He now sits enthroned at the right hand of God and They have sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper. We need no longer live in bondage to sin or our own desires! We can be free!
Have you ever heard the saying "The truth will set you free"?
Well it is true my friends!!
Jesus says in John 14:6 "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
He is the TRUTH!
The TRUTH will set you free if you will but turn to Him!
May we ever lean more fully upon Him. Ever desire Him more! Ever be willing, as Mary, to pour out our best, our ALL upon our Lord! May we ever live for HIS glory!!
*Picture credit goes to Christy Osborne
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