Why are things that are so precious
hid in things of little worth?
Perhaps to show the life which Christ
would live here on the earth
Why is a diamond hid in a stone,
that is known as rough?
Wouldn't clay be far more soft
and not near so tough?
Christ ways are not our ways,
we choose the easy way out,
But He knows what He's after
and His treasures are far more stout
Than anything I've seen
formed in mud or pliable clay
Perhaps that's why He makes them thus
and hides them safely away
He forms these precious things in secret
Not on display like we
He even now is forming
a precious gem in me
He works in quiet places
Unseen by most every eye
Only those who truly seek
Will find where His treasures lie
So seek His treasures in hidden places
Though rough the digging may be
Look to Him and find true beauty
Where you didn't expect it to be!